Source code for mars.core.entity.executable

# Copyright 1999-2021 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
import threading
from typing import List
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary, ref

from ...lib.aio import get_isolation
from ...typing import SessionType, TileableType
from ..mode import enter_mode

_decref_pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()

class _TileableSession:
    def __init__(self, tileable: TileableType, session: SessionType):
        key = tileable.key

        def cb(_, sess=ref(session)):
                cur_thread_ident = threading.current_thread().ident
                decref_in_isolation = get_isolation().thread_ident == cur_thread_ident
            except KeyError:
                # isolation destroyed, no need to decref

            def decref():
                from ...deploy.oscar.session import SyncSession

                s = sess()
                if s:
                        s = SyncSession.from_isolated_session(s)
                    except (RuntimeError, ConnectionError, KeyError):

            fut = _decref_pool.submit(decref)
            if not decref_in_isolation:
                # if decref in isolation, means that this tileable
                # is not required for main thread, thus we do not need
                # to wait for decref, otherwise, wait a bit

        self.tileable = ref(tileable, cb)

class _TileableDataCleaner:
    def __init__(self):
        self._tileable_to_sessions = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def register(self, tileable: TileableType, session: SessionType):
        if tileable in self._tileable_to_sessions:
                _TileableSession(tileable, session)
            self._tileable_to_sessions[tileable] = [_TileableSession(tileable, session)]

# we don't use __del__ to avoid potential Circular reference
_cleaner = _TileableDataCleaner()

def _get_session(executable: "_ExecutableMixin", session: SessionType = None):
    from ...deploy.oscar.session import get_default_session

    # if session is not specified, use default session
    if session is None:
        session = get_default_session()

    return session

class _ExecutableMixin:
    __slots__ = ()
    _executed_sessions: List[SessionType]

    def execute(self, session: SessionType = None, **kw):
        from ...deploy.oscar.session import execute

        session = _get_session(self, session)
        return execute(self, session=session, **kw)

    def _check_session(self, session: SessionType, action: str):
        if session is None:
            if isinstance(self, tuple):
                key = self[0].key
                key = self.key
            raise ValueError(
                f"Tileable object {key} must be executed first before {action}"

    def _fetch(self, session: SessionType = None, **kw):
        from ...deploy.oscar.session import fetch

        session = _get_session(self, session)
        self._check_session(session, "fetch")
        return fetch(self, session=session, **kw)

    def fetch(self, session: SessionType = None, **kw):
        return self._fetch(session=session, **kw)

    def fetch_log(
        session: SessionType = None,
        offsets: List[int] = None,
        sizes: List[int] = None,
        from ...deploy.oscar.session import fetch_log

        session = _get_session(self, session)
        self._check_session(session, "fetch_log")
        return fetch_log(self, session=session, offsets=offsets, sizes=sizes)[0]

    def _fetch_infos(self, fields=None, session=None, **kw):
        from ...deploy.oscar.session import fetch_infos

        session = _get_session(self, session)
        self._check_session(session, "fetch_infos")
        return fetch_infos(self, fields=fields, session=session, **kw)

    def _attach_session(self, session: SessionType):
        if session not in self._executed_sessions:
            _cleaner.register(self, session)

class _ExecuteAndFetchMixin:
    __slots__ = ()

    def _execute_and_fetch(self, session: SessionType = None, **kw):
        from ...deploy.oscar.session import ExecutionInfo, SyncSession, fetch

        session = _get_session(self, session)
        fetch_kwargs = kw.pop("fetch_kwargs", dict())
        if session in self._executed_sessions:
            # if has been executed, fetch directly.
            return self.fetch(session=session, **fetch_kwargs)
        ret = self.execute(session=session, **kw)
        if isinstance(ret, ExecutionInfo):
            # wait=False
            aio_task = ret.aio_task

            async def _wait():
                await aio_task

            def run():
                asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(_wait(), loop=ret.loop).result()
                return fetch(self, session=session, **fetch_kwargs)

            return SyncSession._execution_pool.submit(run)
            # wait=True
            return self.fetch(session=session, **fetch_kwargs)

class _ToObjectMixin(_ExecuteAndFetchMixin):
    __slots__ = ()

    def to_object(self, session: SessionType = None, **kw):
        return self._execute_and_fetch(session=session, **kw)

[docs]class ExecutableTuple(tuple, _ExecutableMixin, _ToObjectMixin):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): tuple.__init__(*args) self._fields_to_idx = None self._fields = None self._raw_type = None if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], tuple): self._fields = getattr(args[0], "_fields", None) if self._fields is not None: self._raw_type = type(args[0]) self._fields_to_idx = {f: idx for idx, f in enumerate(self._fields)} self._executed_sessions = []
def __getattr__(self, item): if self._fields_to_idx is None or item not in self._fields_to_idx: raise AttributeError(item) return self[self._fields_to_idx[item]] def __dir__(self): result = list(super().__dir__()) + list(self._fields or []) return sorted(result) def __repr__(self): if not self._fields: return super().__repr__() items = [] for k, v in zip(self._fields, self): items.append(f"{k}={v!r}") return "%s(%s)" % (self._raw_type.__name__, ", ".join(items)) def execute(self, session: SessionType = None, **kw): from ...deploy.oscar.session import execute if len(self) == 0: return self session = _get_session(self, session) ret = execute(*self, session=session, **kw) if session not in self._executed_sessions: self._executed_sessions.append(session) if kw.get("wait", True): return self else: return ret def _fetch(self, session: SessionType = None, **kw): from ...deploy.oscar.session import fetch session = _get_session(self, session) self._check_session(session, "fetch") return fetch(*self, session=session, **kw) def _fetch_infos(self, fields=None, session=None, **kw): from ...deploy.oscar.session import fetch_infos session = _get_session(self, session) self._check_session(session, "fetch_infos") return fetch_infos(*self, fields=fields, session=session, **kw) def fetch(self, session: SessionType = None, **kw): if len(self) == 0: return tuple() session = _get_session(self, session) ret = super().fetch(session=session, **kw) if self._raw_type is not None: ret = self._raw_type(*ret) if len(self) == 1: return (ret,) return ret def fetch_log( self, session: SessionType = None, offsets: List[int] = None, sizes: List[int] = None, ): from ...deploy.oscar.session import fetch_log if len(self) == 0: return [] session = self._get_session(session=session) return fetch_log(*self, session=session, offsets=offsets, sizes=sizes) def _get_session(self, session: SessionType = None): if session is None: for item in self: session = _get_session(item, session) if session is not None: return session return session