Source code for mars.tensor.indexing.take

#!/usr/bin/env python
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from ..utils import validate_axis, check_out_param
from ..datasource import tensor as astensor

[docs]def take(a, indices, axis=None, out=None): """ Take elements from a tensor along an axis. When axis is not None, this function does the same thing as "fancy" indexing (indexing arrays using tensors); however, it can be easier to use if you need elements along a given axis. A call such as ``mt.take(arr, indices, axis=3)`` is equivalent to ``arr[:,:,:,indices,...]``. Explained without fancy indexing, this is equivalent to the following use of `ndindex`, which sets each of ``ii``, ``jj``, and ``kk`` to a tuple of indices:: Ni, Nk = a.shape[:axis], a.shape[axis+1:] Nj = indices.shape for ii in ndindex(Ni): for jj in ndindex(Nj): for kk in ndindex(Nk): out[ii + jj + kk] = a[ii + (indices[jj],) + kk] Parameters ---------- a : array_like (Ni..., M, Nk...) The source tensor. indices : array_like (Nj...) The indices of the values to extract. Also allow scalars for indices. axis : int, optional The axis over which to select values. By default, the flattened input tensor is used. out : Tensor, optional (Ni..., Nj..., Nk...) If provided, the result will be placed in this tensor. It should be of the appropriate shape and dtype. mode : {'raise', 'wrap', 'clip'}, optional Specifies how out-of-bounds indices will behave. * 'raise' -- raise an error (default) * 'wrap' -- wrap around * 'clip' -- clip to the range 'clip' mode means that all indices that are too large are replaced by the index that addresses the last element along that axis. Note that this disables indexing with negative numbers. Returns ------- out : Tensor (Ni..., Nj..., Nk...) The returned tensor has the same type as `a`. See Also -------- compress : Take elements using a boolean mask Tensor.take : equivalent method Notes ----- By eliminating the inner loop in the description above, and using `s_` to build simple slice objects, `take` can be expressed in terms of applying fancy indexing to each 1-d slice:: Ni, Nk = a.shape[:axis], a.shape[axis+1:] for ii in ndindex(Ni): for kk in ndindex(Nj): out[ii + s_[...,] + kk] = a[ii + s_[:,] + kk][indices] For this reason, it is equivalent to (but faster than) the following use of `apply_along_axis`:: out = mt.apply_along_axis(lambda a_1d: a_1d[indices], axis, a) Examples -------- >>> import mars.tensor as mt >>> a = [4, 3, 5, 7, 6, 8] >>> indices = [0, 1, 4] >>> mt.take(a, indices).execute() array([4, 3, 6]) In this example if `a` is a tensor, "fancy" indexing can be used. >>> a = mt.array(a) >>> a[indices].execute() array([4, 3, 6]) If `indices` is not one dimensional, the output also has these dimensions. >>> mt.take(a, [[0, 1], [2, 3]]).execute() array([[4, 3], [5, 7]]) """ a = astensor(a) if axis is None: t = a.ravel()[indices] else: axis = validate_axis(a.ndim, axis) t = a[(slice(None),) * axis + (indices,)] if out is None: return t if out.shape != t.shape: raise ValueError( f"output tensor has wrong shape, expect: {t.shape}, got: {out.shape}" ) check_out_param(out, t, "unsafe") = return out